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Default Mappings

Leader Key

  • The <leader> Key is bound to space


Keybind Description
<leader> - f - f : Open telescope in find_files mode
<leader> - f - F : Open telescope in file_browser mode
<leader> - f - g : Open telescope in git_commits mode
<leader> - f - G : Open telescope in git_branches mode


Keybind Description
<leader> - ~ : Open Dashboard


Keybind Description
Ctrl - c : Toggle line comment
<leader> - y - a : Yank all text from selected buffer to system clipboard
<leader> - y - l : Yank line to system clipboard.
<leader> - n - f : Format buffer with neoformat.
Ctrl - n : Toggle line numbers.
Ctrl - t : Toggle nvimtree.


Keybind Description
Tab : Cycle down through tab completion menu.
Shift - Tab : Cycle down through tab completion menu.
Ctrl - e : Close completion menu with completing anything.
Ctrl - f : Scroll up through documentation menu.
Ctrl - d : Scroll down through documentation menu.
<CR> : Confirm completion.

Buffer Management

Keybind Description
<leader> - b - h : Switch to the first buffer in the bufferlist
<leader> - b - j : Cycle to the next buffer in the bufferlist
<leader> - b - k : Cycle to the previous buffer in the bufferlist
<leader> - b - l : Switch to the last buffer in the bufferlist
<leader> - b - d : Delete current buffer

Last update: 2022-04-17